Saturday, June 28, 2008

Month of June

Ok, so I'm not so good at updating my blog. This month has been challenging to say the least. The month started out with me mostly flat on my back. I started my tissue expansion on June 9th. Very different experience. Until you've seen this first hand, you really don't get it. The plastic surgeon takes a magnet, sticks it to my (what would be) boob, finds the "port" and sticks a needle in me, that fast. Then, she takes a syringe filled with 60 cc's of fluid and with all her might, fills me up. She puts two syringes in each boob (which is now a boob, cause it's growing before my eyes!) So, the first week, I was really sore. Monday night, Tuesday, Wednesday and feeling much better on Thursday.
Week two, better, because I knew what to expect. I will go thru this process every Monday for a total of 6 weeks. So, my last "fill up" will be July 14th. Then I sit for three months. This is the time when the body heals.
I am assuming my permanent implants will go in sometime in November. (Because these things I have now are not permanent, mearly on loan)
Ok, back to how the month has gone .... I decided that I would go back to work on the 16th of June. What was I thinking ?? Sitting at the computer is just not as fun has it used to be. It's hard to sit and do work after being lazy (ok, resting) for so long. But, now it's the end of the month and I think I'm bouncing back just fine.
I still get tired easily and I can't stay active two days in a row. But I will get there. I'm glad that I was able to start driving again, that sure makes life easier! I was going crazy not being able to just go anytime I wanted to.
If nothing else, I am certainly not taking the little things in life for granted and I am so grateful for what I am able to do and for the family and friends that I have. I never knew so many people liked me :-)
And I love them all !!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

You are absolutely right for what you said on my blog - we are healing, we are healthy, and we'll be fine! You are such a strong person, and I know you'll be good as new (even better with your new boobs lol) soon! Hugs and love!