Friday, May 30, 2008

Surgery and Hospital

May 23rd -- 6:00 am St Joseph's Women's Hospital.
I was actually calmer than I thought I would be. I got called back pretty quick, so I didn't have a lot of time to sit around and think about what was about to happen. I changed my clothes, got put on a stretcher, covered in really warm blankets, with TED hose and ugly green skidders on my feet and the ever so loved hospital gown. My IV was started and my EKG leads were placed. Finally, Bill and Moma could come back and see me. Pastor Randall came in. He said a prayer and I was at peace. The room was cleared and in came Sandy, my anesthesiologist. She was an older lady, reminded me of a young grandmother. She was very nice and I knew I was in good hands. She put something in my IV, then gave me a mask to breathe thru. Two breaths and I was out!
I woke up about 2:00 in the recovery room. Apparently surgery went a little longer than the doctors originally expected. I later found out that I had a large amount of tissue to be removed. And that Dr. Coberly is very detailed, for which I am grateful!
My vitals were not stable. My blood pressure was too low and my heart rate was too high. Not surprising, look what just happened to me. A double mastectomy, placement of tissue expanders and a ovary/tube removal with tubal ligation. I had so many doctors that the staff didn't even know who was in charged :-)
I finally stablized about 5:30 and was sent to the 4th floor, room 420. Karen was my recovery nurse and called me her "hero patient of the day". Not sure if it was the drugs, or what, but I felt really good, not nearly as much pain as I expected at that point.
I had a good night Friday, slept rather well. Bill stayed with me at the hospital that night. I know he slept becuase everytime I moved, he was snoring.
Saturday, I woke up early. Dr. Hechtman and Dr. Coberly visited, both very happy with my outcome and even said if I felt up to it, I could go home that day. That wouldn't happen. Jamie and Ben Chase came up to visit me. They said a prayer for me. And then I began reacting to the Morphine pump. Only I didn't know the cause at the time. I was sick for hours ! I couldn't keep anything down. Since my catheter had come out, I was forced to get out of bed and everytime I did, I threw up. As long as I was sleeping, I was fine, but my mom said as soon as I woke up she grabbed the bucket and Abbie grabbed a wet/cold rag. I was miserable. Cindy Nestle came up later in the day and immediately said I was dehydrated. She requested the nurse push a bag of fluids, we asked that the morphine be stopped and/or changed. And it was. I refused pain meds for about 9 hours, so I could clear my head. Finally about 2:00 am, I felt somewhat normal. I ate two crackers and drank some water. I stayed in, I knew I was on the right track. Thank GOD for Abbie and Cindy that day ! They were truely my angels.
I woke up Sunday feeling like a new person. Every few hours I would "lose" something, making me more independent on me and less on tubes and machines. Cindy gave me a bed bath and washed my hair. That was the first time I'd ever had a bed bath. She was so good to me. Then, Moma and Bill came up to visit. I progressed from there with my diet, began eating more and more and wanting more and more :-)
One positive thing I remember about Saturday was Sir Fox. He was the cutest little Shelty who came to visit me from the Pet Therapy dept. of the hospital. He even said a little prayer for me, too!
Monday I was finally released and got home about 2:30 in the afternoon.

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