Friday, May 30, 2008

1st day home

Monday, May 26th
I finally made it home !! I have never been so happy to be in my own bed before. Although, this would be the beginning of a very long adventure. I have 4 tubes, 2 on each side, for drainage. I have two incisions on my chest, one under my left arm and one in the bikini area.
My abdomen is sore, my stomach hurts, my sides are sore, my upper chest muscles hurt. I can't lift my arms and standing up is a real challenge.
The plan today, take my pain meds, lay in bed and watch TV or sleep.
Sydney was excited to see me. I let her on the bed with me until she hit my left chest incision, then we decided she probably shouldn't be on the bed with me yet.
Over all, the day went well. I don't think I complained too much. My mommy took very good care of me! Pat is still here, I wanted her to stay and be with me my first day home. Savannah came home in the evening. Deborah and the kids came over to see me.

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